Rave On For The Avon Cinema Screening Joy
Sat 1 Mar 2025

Film screening RAVE ON THE AVON followed by a Q&A with the director Charlotte Sawyer

7pm      Earlybird tickets £8.00 / Standard £9.00
“Campaigning never looked so fun and friendly as it does in this joyous documentary about Bristol’s clean water campaigners.” The Guardian
In this tender film, Director Charlotte Sawyer tells a story of a community of wild swimmers in Bristol (UK) affected by raw sewage pollution of the river Avon.  In a series of moving, exciting and thought-provoking scenes, the swimmers create a stunning, light-hearted yet fascinating tapestry, probing how activism starts from the grassroots, and carries a profound universal lesson for all of us. There’s a marriage to the river, drum’n’bass, a mermaid who tows an inflatable turd, and a whole lot of cheesecake in this poignant reflection on people’s innovative battles for the natural world they cherish.More info at https://www.eightysita.com/raveonfortheavondocumentary        Link to the trailer              
The film is followed by a Q&A and discussion with
Charlotte Sawyer - the director of "Rave On for the Avon" @raveonfortheavon
Meg Trump - the bride who marries the river, who is featured in the film @meg_trump
Kim Kaos aka The Goddess of the Wye - https://outdoorswimmer.com/featured/the-goddess-of-the-wye/  @kim_kaos
David Gillam from Save The Wye - https://savethewye.org/a-manifesto-for-the-wye/  @savethewye